The Kayanians - Epic Iranian Music

You can buy this track and more of my music here: Music composed by Farya Faraji, vocals by Farya Faraji and Kelareh Kabiri, lyrics by Ferdowsi. The Kayanian are a mythical dynasty in Iranian mythology. Successors of the Pishdadian dynasty that rules over the world at its creation, they are central to the plot of the Shahnameh by Ferdowsi, from which we extracted these lyrics, and are often seen alongside the heroes of the tale such as Rostam, Gordafarid, Sohrab and Tahmineh. The episode described in these lyrics happen at the beginning of the dynasty, when Kay Ghobād ascends to the throne of Iran and goes on campaign. The image scene on the video is the Derafsh-e Kāvyiani, the royal standard of Iranian empires from ancient times up until the fall of the Sasanian Empire. Lyrics in Early Modern Persian: به شاهی نشست از بَرَش کیقباد همان تاجِ گوهر به سر بر نهاد همه نامداران شدند انجمن چو دستان و چون قارَنِ رزم زن قباد ار بزرگان سخن بشنوید پس افراسیاب و سپه را بدید دگر روز برداشت لشگر به جای خروشیدن آمد ز پرده سرای پسِ پشتشان زال با کیقباد به یک دست آتش به یک دست باد به پیش اندرون کاویانی درفش جهان زو شده سرخ و زرد و بنفش ز لشکر چو کشتی سراسر زمین کجا موج خیزد ز دریای چین ز نالیدن بوق و بانگ سپه تو گفتی که خورشید گم کرده ره Romanised transliteration: Be shāhi neshast az barash Kay Ghobād, Hamān tāj e gohar be sar bar nahād, Hame nām dāran shodan anjoman, Cho dastāno chon ghārane razm-zan, Ghobād az bozorgān sokhan beshnavid, Pas Afrāsyiab o sepah ra bedid, Degar rooz bardāsht lashkar ze jay, Khorooshidan āmad ze pardeh sarāy, Pas e poshteshān Zāl ba Key Ghobād, Be yek ātash be yek dast bād, Be pish andaroon Kāvyiani Derafsh, Jahān zoo shode sorkh o zard o banafsh, Ze lashkar cho kashti sarāsar zamin, Kojā moj khi zad ze daryiāye Chin, Zenālidan e boogh o bāng e sepāh, To gofti ke khorshid gom karde rāh! English translation: Sat he to Kinghood, Kay Ghōbad, He raised that jewelled crown upon his head, All the great names gathered there, Such as Rostam-e-Dastān and Ghāran the Warrior, Ghōbad, from the greats, heeded speech, He listened to Afrāsyiāb and the army, On the next day, the forces, they amassed, Like waves of the sea, the tents of the army unfurled, Behind, them, Zāl and Kay Ghobād, On one side fire, on one side tempest, In front, raised was the Kāvyani Derafsh, From it, the world was turned red, yellow and purple, That great army, upon the earth, was as a fleet on the sea, With it, waves would be suffocated on the sea of China, Resound did the cacophony of the glorious army, Such that you’d say the sun would have lost its way,