Macropodus opecularis THE ATTRACTIVE Red Paradise Fish. (Leopard Aquatic J041C)

(Leopard Aquatic J041C) Red Paradise Fish (Macropodus opecularis) is one of the classic ornamental fish. Wild caught fish are uncommon in the trade. On contrary, almost all specimens are tank-breed. Adult males will have extended fins and remarkable red coloration on top of stripes patterned body. # Habitat: This beautiful labyrinth fish is highly adaptable and able to inhabits blackwater swamp, pond, canal, rice field, river stream and even manmade dam. # Character: The Red Paradise Fish is will do well in heavily planted tank and considerably peaceful fish. Keep maintain the tank with slow moving current and minimum aeration. Keep more females than males to reduce aggression. Not only to provide cover, but also to give more natural looks. Diet: Being not a picky eater, high quality pellets, frozen bloodworm and daphnia will be readily accepted. # Water parameter: pH: TDS: 50-300 ppm Temperature: 25-28°C # Max length: 8 cm Usual size on trade: 4 cm # Suitable tank mates: Livebearers, Gouramis, Corydoras, rainbowfish and Angelfish Unsuitable tank mates: Small invertebrates and aggressive fish # #leopardaquatic #tropicalfish #freshwaterfish #aquarium #nature #fish #ornamentalfish #indonesiafish #fishexporter #indonesiaexporter #wildfish #aquarium #amazingnature #aquascape #gourami #labyrinthfish #macropodusopercularis #paradisefish #redparadisefish #macropodus