Did Mossad Draco Reptilians Try to Out the US UFO Secrecy by the Greys?

Part 2 of 2. Rich Scheck delves into the alleged involvement of the Mossad in investigating the UFO phenomenon, as reported by John Ford, head of Long Island MUFON. The Mossad’s interest in exposing the U.S. government’s UFO cover-up is discussed, along with the potential formation of an international coalition. The discussion also touches on the Brookhaven National Laboratory’s work in hyper-dimensional physics and its relevance to UFO sightings. The participants connect these findings to broader geopolitical and historical contexts, including the role of the Draco reptilians and the Galactic Federation. The conversation concludes with plans to further explore these topics and the influence of Suzy Hansen’s work on the understanding of extraterrestrial entities. Outline Mossad’s Interest in UFOs and the Long Island MUFON • Schecky recalls a video from December 2021 where they discussed a quote from William Burns’ book “UFO Two“ about the Mossad’s interest in UFOs. • The Mossad allegedly approached the head of Long Island MUFON to use his knowledge to expose the US cover-up of UFOs. • He mentions that John Ford, the head of Long Island MUFON, was hospitalized after his claims about the Mossad. • Brian confirms that the conversation about the Mossad’s interest in UFOs is documented on their channel. Brookhaven Laboratory and Hyper-dimensional Physics • Schecky discusses the Brookhaven laboratory in Stony Brook, which has a concentration of physicists working on hyper-dimensional physics. • The conversation connects the Mossad’s interest in UFOs to the Brookhaven laboratory’s work on nuclear development. • He mentions that UFOs seem to be curious about military bases and nuclear development. • The discussion includes references to Long Island’s UFO sightings and the MUFON group’s activity. Trump’s Knowledge of UFOs and the Galactic Federation • Schecky suggests that Donald Trump knows about the Galactic Federation and the Mossad’s interest in UFOs. • Brian recalls learning about the uncle John Trump UFO file. • The conversation connects the UFO file to the election and the deep state’s involvement. Connecting UFOs to the Book of Ezekiel and Greater Israel • Schecky discusses the connection between UFOs and the Book of Ezekiel, which describes crafts and wars in Israel. • The conversation touches on the idea that UFOs might be driving wars for Greater Israel. • Brian agrees that the UFO file relates to the election and the deep state’s secrecy. • Schecky mentions the Preston James material and the need to find a specific article. Reptilians and the Draco Plan • Brian suggests that Mossad might be working for the reptilians, who control the Earth through the Rothschilds and the City of London. • Schecky mentions that Preston James specifically identifies the Abad Kazarian Jews from Ukraine as the Dracos. • The conversation discusses the Draco plan to put forth an Antichrist figure to deceive the public. • Schecky believes that Trump fits the mold of an antichrist figure aligned with negative forces in Israel. Final Thoughts and Future Plans • We discuss the importance of discussing high-level political forces and their relationship to UFOs. • Brian mentions the influence of Suzy Hansen and her detailed accounts of the Greys and their agenda. • The conversation ends with plans to book a time to discuss these topics further, especially after the election. • Brian thanks everyone for their participation and looks forward to future meetings. Please download any of my videos and copy them to your own channels to spread the word. There’s no copyright issue. Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos! All video playlists: or click on “The Brian Ruhe Show“ and scroll down. Donate: Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe Volunteer your time. Be part of a group. My website: MP3 audios and video at: My priorities: Flickr: @N07 My three books are available at Amazon. ruhe&crid=1ZU2U0DOIY0QG&sprefix=,aps,101&ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent Phone into Brian Ruhe’s live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at