Antifa Smashing Camera at Zombie Youth Climate Strike

Brian, with the help of Diane Chase and Dave Harnden, attend the Youth Climate Strike in Vancouver on Friday, September 27, 2019. Over 100,000 people attended the strike. Most people were of White European descent. This is probably because they are the most manipulated to feel guilty about “Man-made“ Global Warming. Some of the footage of interviews is missing because Brian was attacked by Antifa and his camera was destroyed. Here is the footage from the other two cameras. Special thanks to Diane Chase for video editing. Two policemen came to my home and this is my written report in their file: Vancouver Police report Sept. 29, 2019 Brian Ruhe’s police report I was attacked by three bullies, Antifa like men. On Friday Sept. 27 I was at the Youth Climate Strike with 100,000 people at 12:00 noon. I went with two others to help me film, Dave and Diane. I was a counter-protester so many people sweared at me as the vast majority disagreed with my signs. We were standing on the west rail south of the off ramp on the south side of the Cambie Bridge. I have three videos of the incident described below so it is plain to see with the three men and their dialogue with me. I want these videos as part of my police file to show in the future that I am the one getting attacked. I would never attack anyone. The three men were: 1) Young, about 25, heavy, dark brown hair, clean shaven. 2) In his 30s, short and thin, bearded with rings, black clothes. He implied he was Jewish. Looked military like he was trained to fight. 3) Black masked antifa man, about 25, tall and muscular. He was the same build and age and same mask as a previous police report when I was punched in the head and my camera stolen about a year ago. A same looking guy once stole a sign another time. At about 2:00 pm I was talking with 1 & 2. Then #1 suddenly grabbed my sign and ripped it up. I still have 2/3 of my two signs left. He said threatening things. They all called me a “Nazi” because #1 and I recognized each other. I remember meeting him before. I didn’t know if he was friend or foe. It may be in a late March 2018 video that I saw him at another demonstration. So, they weren’t objecting to my signs. Their objection was to who they think I am. My signs were 28” high and both sides were: Global Warming HOAX by Globalists to tax, impoverish & enslave us Don’t be fooled! and Junk Science Scam & Lies! Climate Change HOAX Don’t be a Sucker! #2 phoned someone- maybe #3 to come. They left and one hour later they were waiting for me 30 yards away with #3, looking like they wanted a fight. #3, the masked man had a crest sewn on his chest “Skinheads anti racistes” and he had a shoulder crest, “Good night White Pride”. This is a part of Antifa. This looks like an organized group with #2 as the leader. He may be Mossad trained with an agenda planning to attack me. We wanted to follow the crowd and I saw a police car going by so I thought it would be a safe time to walk. I thought there were police on bicycles and asked them if they were police but they didn’t reply. They were paramedics so I made a mistake thinking they were police. I shouldn’t have gone then but we did. The three blocked the road and would not let me pass. #1 pushed and shoved me across the lane with #3 right beside him. I assume they wanted me to push back so they could blame me for starting a fight and they may have seriously beat me up. His shoving caused my camera to fall off the monopod. My camera fell to the ground and the masked #3 grabbed it and threw it over the bridge. I was calm and we decided to get the camera back. Diane said he didn’t know what it meant to be a Nazi and #2 replied, “Six million of my people know”. So, he admits he is Jewish, revealing his/their motive to attack me because of my public reputation of questioning Jewish power. They made many threatening and insulting remarks. On the way I spoke to a police officer driving in his car and I told him I was assaulted. He said he had to keep driving with the crowd and suggested I call 9/11 but I didn’t think it would help to catch them. A little girl, about 10, in an orange sweater got my camera intact and I asked her to continue down the ramp and I would meet her. I left to go but she just put it on the railing. Then one of the three men took the short northern route which I didn’t see unfortunately and they got the camera and smashed it to the ground about 50’ below. They took out my memory card. I came up the ramp and about 25 students were watching us. Some were taunting and a few lied and said someone took the camera and went north. Other students told me the truth that it was below and they were directing someone there to kick it into my view. I didn’t see who. Could be one of the three? I didn’t see the three again. We went down and recovered the smashed camera, which I have. Then, I went to police headquarters to make a report.