Darth Malgus kills Eleena

A shocking and heart-breaking moment from the masterpiece SW Old Republic novel Deceived. I see similarities between Veradun / Darth Malgus and Thanos from Infinity War (especially for this scene) when he sacrifices his own daughter Gamora for the Soul Stone. Malgus sacrifices the only one who he ever loved, Eleena Daru, for power to destroy his enemies. Both characters are tyrants and warlords who still possess a sense of honour despite being brutal and genocidal, both treated their enemies with respect. Both felt a genuine emotional attachment to only one being in the entire universe who they felt they had to let go to achieve their goals, even if it breaks them. In doing this they both committed this act of pure evil. Malgus felt threatened by this bond and so decided the best way was to eliminate her and even afterwards, he uses this moment to fuel his anger as a weapon against the Jedi and rivals in the Sith Empire. Malgus' dream is to rebuild the Empire anew and to realise his vision of a galaxy in flames. Artwork is phenomenal and the music is “Even For You“ from Alan Silvestri from Avengers: Infinity War soundtrack. Audio is from Marc Thompson's wonderful voice work for the audiobook. He does a phenomenal Malgus voice. I do not take any credit for audio and footage.