Lizard Man Of Scape Ore Swamp - - Holosky Podcast

Welcome back to the show everyone, on this episode we talk about a series of sightings around Scape Ore Swamp in North Carolina. People began seeing a seven foot tall creature with glowing red eyes and a massive tail in the late 80s. Then people began to have their vehicles attacked by a creature capable of damaging all parts of it. When these crime scenes began to be investigated they would notice a bizarre set of foot prints around the area. All the while more and more people would begin to report encounters with this creature. It got harder for local law enforcement to play these sightings and attacks off with a bear encounter. Then at one point a local lady took a picture of the creature. The problem with the picture is that it clearly shows something strange, however it’s definitely not a lizard man capable of damaging peoples vehicles. This picture shines some doubt on the entire legend of this lizard man. In the end what is actually going on here? Is it some mysterious creature lurking around in the de