This tests your understanding of light | Optics puzzles 1

The barber pole effect of shining polarized light into sugar water. Next video: Steve Mould's video on the topic: Help fund future projects: An equally valuable form of support is to simply share the videos. Thanks to Quinn Brodsky for setting up the demo and to the MIT Physics Instructional Resources Lab for their help and materials, especially Josh Wolfe and Caleb Bonyun. Thanks to these viewers for their contributions to translations German: Josh, jns-v Hebrew: Omer Tuchfeld Hungarian: MrExpert Indonesian: akhyarr Italian: Gabboronco Korean: @tebaioioo, Juhyung Persian: Russian: fedor, ilevinson Spanish: Marcelo Lynch ------------------ These animations are largely made using a custom Python library, manim. See the FAQ comments here: #manim