UFO Alien Encounter Episode I |The Elena Danaan Story | Astral Legends

In encounters reported by individuals claiming contact since the 1800s, sphere flying sauces and little grey aliens are frequently associated with advanced technology and purportedly possess telepathic abilities. These beings are often described as emotionless or clinically curious in demeanor, with a focus on scientific observation and experimentation. Many theorize they are from the future or they are from another dimension. This episode we will delve into the history of the grey species and a close encounter from Elena Danaan. Grey aliens, often portrayed as diminutive beings with large heads, slight frames, and smooth grey skin, have become an iconic symbol in popular culture and ufology. Standing roughly three to four feet tall, they are characterized by their disproportionately large, almond-shaped black eyes, which are devoid of pupils or irises. Their heads are typically described as oversized in proportion to their bodies, with a lack of discernible nose and a small, slit-like mouth.