MULTISUB【公主變形記👑What a Princess! EP 04】相愛相殺?歡喜冤家❣️刁蠻公主被貶為凡人?身邊竟然有個不斷拆台的空降駙馬!✨攻略冷面將軍,為愛甘取心頭血 | 愛情古裝喜劇

▶️全集播放: 🕗Schedule: Everyday at 12:00 (GMT+8) 【剧情介绍】 一个是高冷理智、沉默寡言但稳重靠谱的盛国将军,一个是娇蛮任性却积极乐观,坚强善良的七公主,两个性格截然相反的欢喜冤家原本互看不顺眼,却在帮助青城县重振商贸事业的过程中,逐渐相知相爱,演绎而出一场浪漫的爱情故事! 【Synopsis】 One is an aloof, rational, silent but reliable Sheng Kingdom general, while the other is the spoiled, willful yet actively optimistic, strong, and kind Seventh Princess. These lovely antagonists(couple), with completely contrasting personalities, initially can't stand each other. However, as they work together to revitalize the commerce of Qingcheng County, they slowly get to know and love each other, unfolding a romantic love story...... ▶欢迎订阅【森宇古装剧场】: #公主变形记 #ThePrincesshasanidea #森宇古装剧场 #大陆电视剧 #古装剧 #ChenZiYou #MaoNa #chinesedrama #costumedrama #chinesedrama #爱情 #悬疑 #甜宠