Pertussis Cough Video

Video of an infant with pertussis [whooping cough]. An entirely vaccine preventable disease, pertussis infection of infants is now increasing due to the efforts of anti-vaccination lobbyists. Facebook- short video of anti-vaxx lobbyist; Fear of vaccination is today unavoidable. However this is not any reflection upon vaccine science, medicine nor the claimed efficacy of useless, dangerous, lethal but profitable, “alternatives“. It is due solely to an abundance of forceful misinformation designed to appear reputable, exploit fear, exaggerate dangers and minimise the true consequences of not vaccinating. The choice to not vaccinate is indeed a right. Yet, please know it is a choice based upon a behemoth of ignorance, fear and malignancy. When you hear the words “vaccine dangers“ and reflect upon the “official“ sounding articles and reports, please think Creation Museums and 'Intelligent Design'. Visit: