“Ο εφιάλτης της Περσεφόνης“ Μάνος Χατζιδάκις - Νίκος Γκάτσος - Μαρία ΦαραντούρηThe nightmare of Persephone There, where pennyroyal and wild mint grew and earth sprouted her first cyclamen now peasants bargain for cement and birds drop dead in the furnace. Sleep, Persephone in earth's embrace to this world's balcony Come out no more. There, where mystics joined hands reverently on entering the sacrificial site now tourists throw tab ends and gaze at the new oil refinery. Sleep, Persephone in earth's embrace to this world's balcony Come out no more. There, where sea was blessed and bleating in the fields was a prayer now trucks carry to the shipyards empty bodies, children of scrap metal and plating. Sleep, Persephone in earth's embrace to this world's balcony Come out no more