The Nerveless Nock’s Sway Poles

The Official Nerveless Nocks Sway Pole act performed by Michelangelo Nock and his daughter, Angelina Nock. The Nerveless Nocks present a breathtaking spectacular show aloft, which is unrivalled in show business annals. The Nocks have earned universal acclaim for their daring stunts on skyscraping sway poles, completely free of guy wires and safety means. The Nocks can bend their sway poles to a perilous 40 degree angle. They also feature an unbelievable and risky mid-air sway pole exchange, where members of The Nocks actually exchange sway poles in mid-air. In addition they are the only performers anywhere to perform a grueling hand over hand climb up their super tall poles. The act’s fantastic finale is performed with the upside down human free fall plunge to the ground below.