Starving Kitten’s Amazing Transformation Will Bring You to Tears

Meet Coconut! Animal Rescuing in Lebanon picked Coconut from the streets after growing in the petshop and was never sold. The petshop owner ended up dumping him on the streets since he was using extra food and litter on him. He suffered a lot on the streets until he became like this. He was considered a toy on the streets and unfortunately, they cut his whiskers from one side of his face. He is very sick, he can barely open his eyes and he is so grateful and he cannot stop purring. He was starving and thousands of fleas were eating his body. He suffered so much, almost lost both of his eyes and was suffering from herpes virus that almost killed him. Coconut fully recovered, his blue is not because he’s sick but because he was born with different eye colors and he is not deaf. His blue eye was slightly affected by the virus and unfortunately, since the eyedrop wasn’t found in Lebanon, the vet had to treat it in another way that required a longer treatment but for now it’s healing almost perfectly. Coconut got neutered, microchipped, and fully vaccinated. He is still a kitten around 7 months old with the sweetest character. He will live his best life in a forever family and never suffer again. Massive thanks for every support and every donation in rescuing this little sweet boy. He will be cared for and loved for the rest of his life. Amazing Dog Rescue Stories: Rescue of Abandoned Dogs: Dog’s Amazing Transformations: Kitten Rescue Stories: Special thanks to Animal Rescuing in Lebanon Love animal please pass it on #PawsInNeed #animals #dog #cat #kitten #puppy