Tervetuloa Totalitarismiin. Ohessa lukusuosituksia… #herätkääjonytsaatana

Kirjalista totalitarismista ja siihen liittyvistä mekanismeista: Hannah Arendt: -The Origins of Totalitarianism -Eichmann in Jerusalem Mattias Desmet: -The Psychology of Totalitarianism Thomas Sowell: -The Vision of the Anointed -A Conflict of Visions Joost Meerloo: -The Rape of the Mind Gustave Le Bon: -Joukkosielu Robert Jay Lifton: -Thought Reform and the Psyhology of Totalism Jordan B. Peterson: -Maps of Meaning Iain McGilchrist: -Master and His Emissary -The Matter With Things Friedrich A. Hayek -The Road To Serfdom James Lindsay: -The Marxification of the Education