240740-How to reduce visceral fat? try it.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. 240740-How to reduce visceral fat? try it. 1. Pat the Three -Jiao meridians. 3 minutes each side. 2. Pat the bile meridians. 3 minutes each side. There are countless channels in our chest and abdomen that connect each internal organ, and nutrients, wastewater, glandular fluid, garbage, etc. are transported back and forth through these channels. When our yang (energy) is insufficient, the transportation between internal organs slows down, and many substances are deposited in the internal organs and channels, and over time they are transformed into fat, nodules, lumps, etc. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the energy state of all internal organs depends on the gallbladder, so tapping the gallbladder meridian can enhance the overall yang and help transport nutrients between internal organs. The triple burner meridian is in charge of the channel transport function between internal organs. Tapping the triple burner meridian can open the channels between internal organs and clean up the garbage and waste in the internal organs and channels. So in general, this exercise is beneficial to reduce fat and garbage on the internal organs. Please keep practicing and you will improve. The body is an intelligent life system. As long as the energy is sufficient, the meridians are unobstructed, and the mind is stable, the system will self-regulate and improve, keeping the body in an optimal and healthy state. Based on these three points, we recommend taking the following three courses: 1. 60mins Acupoint Vibration • Full Body Patting (activate life energy) 2. 56mins Daily Routine • Full Body Practice (unblocking meridians throughout the body) 3. 30mins Evening Routine • Good Sleep (stable mind) #wudang #taichi #qigong #ancientselfcare #health #chineseculture #tcm #heathylifestyle #exercise #stretching #relax #meridian #foryou #visceralfat