[Flowerfell] Secret garden - Animation

YEEY I finally finished it \(*^ U ^*)/ I really enjoyed animating this cause I really loved the story of flowerfell welp this is my first fanmade music video so pardon my mistakes and crappy drawings there HAHAHA I still have many things to improve. anyways, I hope you guys like it!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE!!!!!: for those of you who asked why toriel's design is still the same as in undertale, well the reason is, I made a mistake when I was making this animation because I first discovered flowerfell before underfell and by the time I learned that flowerfell's design is based on underfell, I was almost finished with this animation and I don't have much time to change it so I just leave it be. I'm really sorry for the confusions ( T T n TT ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deviantart: https://ki