【二米炊烟】Sunflower Seeds & Peanuts 最神奇特殊的堅果 🌻向日葵和落花生🥜

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used). Sunflowers are also called melon seeds. In my memory, peanuts and melon seeds basically appear together. Peanuts and melon seeds are used as treats during the Chinese New Year and other festivals, or when guests come to visit. Although the way of eating melon seeds is relatively simple, it should be the most popular snack in the hearts of Chinese people! Peanuts can be eaten in a variety of ways, such as oil extraction, cooking, bean grinding, and soy milk grinding, making snacks, making braised vegetables, and cold dishes... There are too many, but not all of them are shown in the video. Maybe I can share with you in the future. This time, I made the famous Sichuan dish “Gong Bao Chicken“, and the frosted peanuts and peanut roasted pig's trotters that were only eaten at rural banquets when I was a