Jordan Just Handed Netanyahu His Backside On A Plate!

Jordan has just given Israel and it's allies a massive headache as they drop a truthbomb at the UN none of them saw coming! Right, so of all nations in the Middle East right now, one that has remained broadly neutral, even seen to be siding with Israel at times, has been Jordan. Perhaps it’s extremely close proximity to both Israel and the West Bank, being on the opposite side of the Jordan river as it is, might well explain it’s reasons for that for many, at the very least it hasn’t been the first country to spring to mind when people consider who are taking the fight to Israel, but there are more ways than taking up arms to take on another nation and a war of words has erupted at the UN courtesy of Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, which has gone almost completely without comment from our mainstream media here in the UK and it really warrants some coverage, because he absolutely nailed Israel’s true intentions, hammered Netanyahu for his drivel of a speech to the United Nations, essentially