#OmaliTaughtMe Sunday Study: The Black Revolution’s Survival of Colonial Counterinsurgency

This week we pause our History of Anti-Colonial Revolution series to study Chapter 3 of Chairman Omali’s political report to the APSP’s 7th Congress, titled: Vanguard - the Advanced Detachment of the African Revolution. Chapter 3 deals with, “How the Party survived the counterinsurgency,” an important lesson for our time, as we face the same vicious colonial system intent on keeping the exploitation and oppression of African and colonized peoples intact. Our Party’s more than 50 year history is a testament to the fact that the colonial powers couldn’t permanently defeat the African Revolution. It took fierce struggle on our part to ensure that our Revolution would live, which is exactly what’s being called on us now to engage in, fierce struggle, to drop the charges against the Uhuru 3, to demand Hands Off Chairman Omali Yeshitela and an end to the war on African Liberation. Access the study materials here: Dona