BeeMushroomed™ Feeder

Fellow Earthlings.  Bees are threatened and, in turn, our world wide food biosecurity.  I have been working on environmental solutions for many years.  Now we are ready to launch an ecologically rationale, economically scaleable solution: our BeeMushroomed Bee Feeder (BMBF). We are reaching out to Citizen Scientists to help deploy this clever solution.  We are making our first 100,000 for distribution in August. 2019.   Ostensibly, the BeeMushroomed Bee Feeder is to help save wild bees. Wild bees, including bumblebees (in the genus Bombus) contribute an estimated 70% of the pollination benefits farmers realize. Crops as diverse as hay and canola to almonds and cherries to strawberries and blueberries all depend upon bee pollination.  An estimated ⅓ of our daily food is dependent upon bees, and therefore, similarly in jeopardy.   A single bee can visit and cross pollinate up to 1000 flowers a day.  Year to year bee losses are estimated to at 40-90%.  Devastating losses continue and appear to be getting worse.  Bee flight has been drastically reduced due to a confluence of factors: an unfortunate perfect storm of stressors. Our polypore mycelium extracts support the immunity of bees so they live longer, fly farther, and better survive.   This is a solution that can join us together. Saving bees is one of the foremost common interests that unify liberals and conservatives.  And watching them visit is so much fun for children and adults alike.  Whether you live in the city, in suburbia or in the country, you can help!   Imagine a BMBF on every porch in apartment buildings helping vertical gardens ascend, helping re-green cities. Let your imagination fly freely to new ideas.  (Necessary disclaimer: If you are allergic to bees, do not use this.) Bees are maze runners and typically wasps (yellow jackets) are not. These BeeMushroomed BeeFeeders favorably select for bees. However, since yellow jackets are now known to spread viruses – when visiting flowers -  they leave viral particles which then can be spread to bees visiting the same flowers.  Many experts now claim that all bees in the world are infected with these debilitating viruses, which lower immunity, allowing for other opportunistic pathogens to infect.  Our extracts support immunity. They are not drugs. These are functional foods. Only recently have we discovered that bees sip on the exudates of mycelium as a food. These BMBF’s are not yet for sale.  But will be soon…… For would-be early adopters, go to our site and sign up so you will be first to learn about their availability. We hope to launch in mass in August of 2019.   My intention is to Open Source the code for those having their own personal 3 D printers. Stay  tuned.  All hands on deck. As humans we can invent solutions to help Nature’s life support systems.  We must make a course correction : the loss of biodiversity threatens our economies and  very existence.  We can do this together.   Peace. Love life Live and learn A look at the BeeMushroomed feeder in action! Nature can repair itself with a little help from mycologists & citizen scientists. In 2014, Paul Stamets (leading mycologist, visionary and TED Talk presenter), Steve Sheppard (chair of department of entomology, Washington State University) and the Washington State Beekeepers Association teamed up in a research initiative called BeeFriendly™ to help reverse devastating declines in the global bee population that are critically threatening the world’s food security. In 2015, 300 sets of bees consumed Host Defense® mushroom extracts via their feed water. The experiments were designed to measure how mushroom extract supplementation impacted viral burdens and longevity. Host Defense extracts, especially Reishi and Chaga, showed substantial benefit to honeybees, including extended longevity and reduction of their viral burden by more than 75%. Visit for more information. Coming in Spring 2020, Patent Pending We will be launching prototypes of the Bee Feeder throughout 2019. In the Summer of 2020, we plan to sell a limited number of feeders. We are excited to announce this paradigm shifting technology. Our initial Bee Feeding Labyrinthine Module will allow anyone to help feed bees basic sugar water. With the addition of our proprietary extracts this module can become a powerful point of health for the Bees. Video by: @blunt_action