ENG)智利总统挑战弹古琴!武契奇“开溜“!普京出场引爆全场/一带一路峰会领导人趣事/Relaxing moments for foreign leaders/Belt & Road Summit

第三届一路一带峰会成功召开,多国领导人齐聚北京共商合作。那么,峰会开始之前,这些外国领导人们在哪里呢?他们又在干什么呢?智利总统博里挑战弹古琴!塞尔维亚总统武契奇携夫人出场,但是,不一会武契奇却”开溜了“,他去哪里了呢?普京的登场再次点燃记者团的气氛 The third One Road, One Belt Summit was successfully held, with leaders from many countries gathering in Beijing to discuss cooperation. So, where were these foreign leaders before the summit began? What are they doing? Chilean President Bori challenged to play the guqin! Serbian President Vucic appeared with his wife, but after a while Vucic “escaped“. Where did he go? Putin's appearance once again ignited the atmosphere in the press corps 智利总统挑战弹古琴!武契奇“开溜“!普京出场引爆全场/一带一路峰会领导人趣事/Relaxing moments for foreign leaders/Belt & Road Summit