RADIO CEYLON: a journey through Eastern rhythms with Dj Antracid

Pioneer traveler's fantasy. CEYLON RADIO is all about acoustic exploration of the world around us. Dj Antracid Кирилл Покровский коллекционирует винил, играет на традиционных флейтах и окаринах индийских племен, вдохновляется культурой разных этносов и создает свой неповторимый стиль звучания, пишет и играет свою музыку в нижегородском даб проекте “Dub Vibes“. Для Radio Ceylon собрал сет, который посвятил душе, напоминая нам о наступившей весне и приближающемся лете. “Все только начинается“ Dj Antracid @akirapunkrocksky Kirill Pokrovsky collects vinyl, plays traditional flutes and ocarinas of Indian tribes, is inspired by the culture of different ethnic groups and creates his own unique style of sound, writes and plays his music in Nizhny Novgorod dub project “Dub Vibes“. For Radio Ceylon he put together a set, which he dedicated to the soul, reminding us of the coming spring and the approaching summer. “Everything is just beginning“ _________________________________________________________________________ Idea writer @prosto_miheeva Directed by @ Designed by @caxapanya Produced by @alkerill Location @ Find us: _________________________________________________________________________ * All materials presented on this channel are copyrighted by their respective copyright owners and are subject to use for informational purposes only. * As a copyright owner, if you don't approve your music material to be presented on this channel or would like any additional info to be published, please contact me via my Youtube channel and I'll remove it immediately.