1111 Synchronicity Sound Bath ✨ Divine Guidance for the Soul 🪽

Sign up here for exclusive offerings and announcements Synchronicity: A noticeable, repetitive symbol that takes place when you’re in alignment with your path. 🪽 In 2011, while in my awakening from a very dark place, I began to notice the numbers 1111 everywhere. I saw them on license plates, in phone numbers, seemingly everywhere. It happened so frequently that I sought guidance in their meaning. From this, I came to believe that these numbers were a sign from my guardian angels. Checkpoints for my soul, simply letting me know that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. True divine guidance. 🌅 In this sound bath, I’ve included light, synchronistic taps of the crystal singing bowls to maintain your presence of mind. While the smooth rolling tones calm the body, a gentle layer of deep base synchronizes with singing bowls to guide you toward the synchronicities in your own life. And the heart tuning fork frequency to ope