Kogan Plays Paganini La Campanella

Rabin, Heifetz, Szeryng, and Kogan were the greatest violinists I ever heard, somehow they stood out a little more than everyone else for some reason. I found out a long time ago how hard Kogan's recordings are to find, and I have been collecting them ever since. The music for this was actually obtained around the year 2000 using napster when it was still legal to use it. I've never seen this for sale ever and I have been collecting violin recordings for a long time. La Campanella means the bell and is actually the third movement of Paganini's second violin concerto and is named this because a bell is played during the main theme of this work, it has always been a favorite of mine and is alot of fun to play. I think the best thing Kogan ever did was the Tchaikovsky concerto from a double cd called “Artist Profile“, it is out of print but well worth finding and if you ever get a chance to hear Kogan play the Tchaikovsky get it at all costs. Only Rabin equalled what Kogan did with the Tchaikovsky in my opinion. I have uploaded rare out of print and unreleased recordings that are difficult to find, I hope you like them. Since they are so difficult to find no one should mind me uploading them, if you have issues with me uploading them please send me a message and I will remove them. Subscribe to my videos to keep up with all the latest...