Selenium Manager: Automated Driver & Browser Management for Selenium WebDriver - Boni García

Selenium Manager: Automated Driver & Browser Management for Selenium WebDriver - Boni García, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Selenium WebDriver is an open source library that allows controlling web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) programmatically using different languages (such as Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, or C#). Internally, Selenium WebDriver uses the native support implemented by each browser to carry out the automation process. For this reason, we need to place a component called driver (e.g., chromedriver, geckodriver, msedgedriver, etc.) between the script using the Selenium WebDriver API and the browser. Historically, the Selenium project did not cover the automated management (understood as the process of download, setup, and maintenance) of drivers. For this reason, different projects in the Selenium ecosystem emerged to do this task (such as WebDriverManager in Java or webdriver-manager in Python, among others). As of Selenium , automated driver mana