Συρία 27 8 2018 Οι ΗΠΑ στήνουν ψεύτικη σημαία (false flag) στο Ιντλίμπ με σκηνοθετημένη χρήση χημικών

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – AUGUST 27, 2018: FOREIGN SPECIALISTS PREPARE TO STAGE CHEMICAL ATTACK IN IDLIB “Foreign specialists” arrived in Syria to stage a chemical attack, which will be blamed on the Damascus government, Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said on August 25 warning that the staging of the incident may happen soon. According to the military spokesman, the English-speaking specialists arrived in the Hbit settlement in southern Idlib. In the most populated area of Kafr Zita, preparations are being made for a group of residents brought from the north of the province to participate in the staging of an attack of allegedly chemical munitions and bombs by Syrian government forces, staged assistance by mimicked ‘rescuers’ from the White Helmets and the shooting of video for distribution to the Middle East and English-language media, Maj. Gen. Konashenkov said.