Πρώτες εικόνες από τα σημερινά πλήγματα ΗΠΑ & συμμάχων στη Συρία 14 4 2018

Από το ρωσσικό κανάλι Ρωσσία 24 Появились первые кадры с разбомбленного аэродрома Меззе - Россия 24 Περισσότερα: RUSSIAN MILITARY PROVIDES LIST OF TARGETS, DETAILS OF ‘REPELLED’ US-LED STRIKE ON SYRIA. TRUMP SAYS IT WAS ‘PERFECT’ The Russian Defense Ministry says that the Syrian Air Defense Forces shot down 71 of 103 missiles launched by the US, the UK and France last night. According to the Russian Defense Minisry, the US and its allies fired cruise missiles, including seaborne Tomahawks and GBU-38 guided bombs from B-1B planes while F-15 and F-16 fighter jets launched air-to-surface missiles. The UK Air Force’s Tornado aircraft fired eight Scalp EG air-launched cruise missiles. The US-led strike was aimed at the following targets: