Kettlebell American Swing

This is an exercise demo for how to do an American Kettlebell Swing. The difference between an American KB Swing and a standard/Russian Kettlebell Swing is that the bell will come up overhead, whereas the standard kb swing only brings the kettlebell up to shoulder height. This generally means you will use a lighter kettlebell. It also means you will be working your shoulders and upper back more. The origin of the movement is the same as the standard kb swing, so you will be using your glutes and legs, exploding through the hips to drive the kettlebell up. Where it changes is that once the kettlebell reaches about shoulder height, you will then use your arms and upper body to bring it up and stop it overhead (you can go up to 11 o’clock if it feels more comfortable then all the way overhead to a 12 o’clock position). Be sure to brace your core and not flare your ribs. Keep everything tight and start light and all should be stellar. Learn everything you need to know about kettlebe