HOPI PROPHECY - Two Paths: Destruction or Survival - Thomas Banyacya - Hopi Spiritual Elder, 1972

We are at a crossroads. One path leads to destruction. The other is living together in harmony with nature. Ancient Hopi Prophecy interpreted by Hopi religious elders Thomas Banyacya and Grandfather David Monongye. Videotaped in 1972 by Dean and Dudley Evenson at the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden. The last part of the video shows Thomas Banyacya in 1993 at a Dalai Lama event in Tucson, Arizona where Dean and Dudley caught up with him almost 20 years after the first video. Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth Catalog, had sponsored 15 Native Americans to attend the first United Nations Earth Summit in Stockholm to share their message about Mother Earth for the diplomats and young people gathered there. Dean and Dudley were there with their half-inch Sony Video Portapack to videotape events in and around the conference. The Native Americans they met inspired them to share the message about respecting and caring for the planet. In 1979 Dean and