Cerro Torre Climb & Fly full movie

Cerro Torre Climb & Fly - with Roger Schäli, Pablo Pontoriero and Mario Heller The tales told about this majestic mountain and the incredible climbing on offer are legendary. The West Face route with its long glacier approach through the Circo de los Altares certainly feels ‘out there’. That the whole team were able to take off from the summit with their paragliders is a testament to their skill, both as climbers and as pilots. After recovering from covid 19 they start the approach towards the mountain, crossing the Marconi pass before running into friends with whom they form a strong alliance. After another 3 days they reach the summit which is just big enough to lunch with the paragliders. The tension is high. Pablo is first in line. Location: Cerro Torre/Fitzroy massif/El Chaltén/Argentina/Patagonia Writing and artistic direction: @marioheller6571 Director: @marioheller6571 Produced by: @marioheller6571 Climbing performance with: Roger Schaeli, Pablo Ponteriereo and @marioheller6571 Glider. @advanceparagliders Pi 16 and @AIRDESIGNgliders UFO