Streaker Pussy Riot выбежали на поле! Допрос в полиции. стрикер ФИФА FIFA World CUP 2018

Interrogation of activists streaker Pussi Riot who ran out on the footbal field Arena Luzhniki at the World Cup 2018 in football in the Moscow. The interrogator regrets that now it is not 1937 (in Russia in 37 under Stalin, the detainees were massacred). No spam and advertising. I just need 1000 subscribers, so that Youtube will give my money honestly earned for publication, but, due to a change in the policy of service - not paid to those who do not have a lot of audience. Thank you. Допрос активистов Пусси Райот выбежавших на поле на Чемпионате Мира 2018 по футболу. Допрашивающий жалеет, что сейчас не 37 год. PS: Пожалуйста, подпишитесь на канал. Мне подписчиков не хватает :(