Another Satanic Olympic Ceremony (They Are Taunting The Christ, Return To Them Only Love...)

Dedicated sharing page is here - thank you for the love and support, we have 10 new children that joined our family in the last 2 weeks, thanks to your love and support. Thank you for carrying the heart of Christ into the lives of these children x Another Satanic Olympic Ceremony (They Are Taunting The Christ, Return To Them Only Love) the Olympics has a long history of occult symbology in its ceremonies, it is the grand theater, that which draws mans attention into the world, entertainment and meaning in the external pursuits of life. The symbology and their beliefs run deep, but Baal the God of child sacrifice and the golden bull of idol worship, is there for a reason, as it mocks the prison of sexual immorality, abortion and wasteful ejaculation we currently dwell within. Share with the children here... Help keep us in Tanzania ...