Legionærsangen - Song of the Free Corps Denmark

The Free Corps Denmark (Frikorps Danmark) was a volunteer corps created by the Danish National Socialist Party in cooperation with the German Reich, with the aim of fighting the Soviet Union during WW2. Already since the Winter War (1939-1940), the Danes had waged the fight against the worldwide danger of the moment: Bolshevism; more than 800 Danes and Norwegians joined the “Swedish Volunteer Corps“ (Svenska Frivilligkåren) commanded by Cavalry General Ernst Linder. For this reason, in 29 June 1941, seven days after the German invasion of the Soviet Union, the DNSAP newspaper “Fædrelandet“ (The Fatherland) proclaimed the creation of the corps, obtaining during that first year 1164 recruits, from among which were relatives of the soldiers of the Danish Volunteer Battalion who had already experienced the atrocities of the Soviets on the war front. At the end of July 1941, the corps was sent for basic training to the Langenhorn barracks (Germany) and was considered ready for action on 15 September, for which it was sent to Owińska (Poland). Its first commander was the head of the 5th Artillery Regiment of the Royal Danish Army, Lieutenant Colonel Christian Peder Kryssing, assigned by the Danish Government. However, in February 1942, Kryssing would be removed and replaced by Christian Frederik von Schalburg, a Danish-Russian aristocrat, anti-communist and member of the DNSAP who had grown up in Russia and had seen the aftermath of the Russian revolution in 1917. On 8 May, the corps was ordered to head to the front line where it engaged in the Battle of Demyansk, in which they managed to defend the newly won Demyansk Pocket. Von Schalburg was assassinated on 2 June and his replacement, Hans Albert von Lettow-Vorbeck, passed away just a few days later so, from 11 July 1942, Danish officer Knud Børge Martinsen would take command of the Free Corps Denmark On 13 November, the volunteers were transferred to Jelgava (Latvia), where they prepared for the hard fighting of the Battle of Velikiye Luki together with the German 1st SS Infantry Brigade. In March 1943, the corps was transferred to Grafenwöhr (Germany), where it was disbanded on 6 June and the volunteers who wished to continue the combat were integrated into the 24th “Dänemark“ Regiment of the newly established 11th Volunteer Panzer Grenadier Division SS “Nordland“. “I take the holy oath before God that in the fight against Bolshevism I'll obey the supreme commander of the German Armed Forces, Adolf Hitler, unconditionally and, as a brave soldier, I’m ready to give my life for this oath at any time“ -Lieutenant Colonel Christian Peder Kryssing, loyalty oath at Langenhorn (5 August, 1941) =================================================== Vor Fane blafrer i Vinden, I Dagens brændende Sol! Vore Hære gaar nu mod Fjenden, Under Fædrelandets Symbol! Vi er danske Legionærer! Von Schalburgs sorte Bataillon! Til Kamp for Frihed og for Ære, Vi værner vor Nation! |: Danske Legionærer! Danebrog er vor Kamp-Standart! For vort Folk staar vor Hær nu till Kamp parat! :| Danske Legionærer! De røde skal smides paa Porten, Nu skal vi ha´ Farven lagt om! Till Bøssepibernes Torden! Skal Stalin nu hente sin Dom! Vi er danske Legionærer! Von Schalburgs sorte Bataillon! Til Kamp for Frihed og for Ære, Vi værner vor Nation! |: Danske Legionærer! Danebrog er vor Kamp-Standart! For vort Folk staar vor Hær nu till Kamp parat! :| Danske Legionærer! Til kampen vi alle står rede, Og kampånden alle vi har! De røde de skal holdes nede, I kropset skal alle stå klar! Vi er danske Legionærer! Von Schalburgs sorte Bataillon! Til Kamp for Frihed og for Ære, Vi værner vor Nation! |: Danske Legionærer! Danebrog er vor Kamp-Standart! For vort Folk staar vor Hær nu till Kamp parat! :| Danske Legionærer! =================================================== -Translation notes- Dannebrog: It's the name that receives the flag of Denmark and means “The Flag of the Danes“ or “The Red Flag“ Main Channel: BitChute Channel: UGETube Channel: @FalangeBall Telegram Channel: