Petrus Schroderus - The Little Drummer Boy

Petrus Schroderus, tenor Markus Vaara Piano Jorma Härkönen Guitar Erkki Palola Violin Jiri Parviainen Electric Bass Raimo Sirkiä Drums Raimo Sirkiä All arrangements Photography by Juha Karikoski Composer/Lyricist Katherine Kennicott Davis “The little drummer boy“ is a Christmas Carol with the message that seems to be really important in our times - it is about daring to give gifts and to do your best, regardless of how small or insignificant you might feel. It’s about believing that your best will be good enough and approved. It’s about finding strength to do the right thing in the time of need. The message of importance of being a generous giver and a gracious receiver is particularly close to Petrus’ heart and something he tries to teach his own children, through this simple and beautiful story. We have decided to create a collage video of this single in collaboration with finnish visual artist Juha Kar