Meteor blazes across the sky as it lights up darkness over Berlin and Leipzig

A meteor blazed across the night sky over eastern parts of Germany on Sunday (January 21). A dazzling moment, usually only captured by chance or permanently installed webcams. In a rare event the impact around 1:30 am local time on Sunday (January 21) was predicted by astronomers. Michael Aye, a researcher at a Planetary research institute in Berlin, was able to capture the meteor after a tip from his colleague Franck Marchis at SETI Institute. According to NASA, the tiny asteroid was set to “disintegrate as a harmless fireball“ west of Berlin near the town of Nennhausen in Brandenburg. Meteors are objects in space that range in size from dust grains to small asteroids. When they heat up in Earth’s atmosphere, they make a bright trail. Read more: The Sun delivers breaking news, latest gossip and incredib