Fuwawa’s sudden psychopath behavior scared the heck out of everyone

forget abt my last clip, fuwawa is 100% the evil twin one ========================================== Please do consider checking out the original streams and subscribe to the talents if you haven't already 【Source】 【LETHAL COMPANY WITH FUBUKI & KOYORI】fuzzy revival of our WANderful company 🐾 【MOCOCO POV】 【LETHAL COMPANY WITH FUBUKI & KOYORI】fluffy revival of our WANderful company 🐾 【FUWAWA POV】 【 Lethal Company 】5円のワンコと2.5円のワンコ×2が優しいけどブラックなキツネさんと働く #ワンダフルカンパニー 【博衣こより視点/ホロライブ】 【 Lethal Company】再出勤!BAU!BAU!BAU!BAU!大量に稼ぐぞぉお!【#ワンダフルカンパニー】 【FuwaMoco's Channel】 @FUWAMOCOch 【Fubuki's Channel】 @ShirakamiFubuki 【Koyori's Channel】 @HakuiKoyori 【Outro】 #FuwaMoco #ホロライブ #hololive #vtuber #holoEN #hololiveEN #hololiveEnglish #holoAdvent