One Man Depressive Black Metal from Germany Song: Tiefstand - NO REASON TO EXIST || LYRICS: No Reason to exist No Reason to exist the fire in my heart I'll burn myself on it I've been indifferent to everything for years No Reason to exist No Reason to exist I'm trying to put out the flames and I can't. the path of suffering never ends || “Tiefstand“ is a one man band founded in 2022. It was founded by S.J. in Bavaria. The musical style amounts to depressive black metal with atmospheric riffs. The songs are mostly about despair, sadness and the broken soul. ||| Graue Wände umzingeln mein Sein, Der Tod ist der Weg der Unendlichkeit Instagram: Tiefstand @ S.J. @ Bandcamp #depressiveblackmetal #dsbm #melancholic