NSN Webinar Series: Supersonic Snowballs in Hell: the Science of Sungrazing Comets

Join the NASA Night Sky Network on Tuesday, June 22 at 6:00pm Pacific Time (9:00pm Eastern) to hear Dr. Karl Battams give an overview of sungrazing comets, and how you can contribute to their study through the Sungrazer Citizen Science project. Sungrazing and near-Sun comets represent well over half of all officially cataloged comets, yet are among the most poorly-understood objects in our solar system. Most of these comets follow orbits through space that place them into the most extreme environment our solar system has to offer, most often leading to a one-way death-plunge into the searing solar corona, at velocities exceeding 0.2% the speed of light! About Dr. Karl Battams Dr. Karl Battams is an astrophysicist and computational scientist based in the Solar and Heliospheric Physics Branch at the US Naval Research Laboratory. He is the Principal Investigator (PI) of the LASCO coronagraph telescopes on the ESA/NASA SOHO satellite and, for over seventeen years, has been the PI of the NASA Sungrazer Citizen Science Project, which has discovered more than 4,100 comets. He tweets about the Sun, comets, and more, as @SungrazerComets on Twitter. Find related resources and links on this webinar's resource page, hosted by the NASA Night Sky Network: NSN Webinar Series Page: Current & Upcoming Event Schedule: Night Sky Network Astronomical Society of the Pacific