Barney&Robin | May I Have This Dance

Watch in HD! Song info is at the end of the video Colouring by LaurenMichelle My backup: My twitter: New year, same old ship. Haha I started this video over a year ago but didn't get very far with it, but I've been missing these two recently and really enjoyed vidding them in my multicouples vid so I decided to finally finish this! Also I went back and checked my channel, it's coming up on 10 years since my first ever swarkles video lmao.. which means I probably started watching the show almost exactly 10 years ago. It's a shame the last full episode I watched was on March 31, 2014... aka the finale, the date is burned into my memory. It was the day before April Fool's Day and we thought the writers were literally playing a prank on us LOL good times. I'm coming around on the idea of finally doing a rewatch, I'll never be fully over my anger from the finale, but maybe eno