Smolensk surviving passengers executed at gun point

This is the original version of one of the most important pieces of evidence in the investigation concerning the causes of the Tu-154M aircraft No 101 plane crash. The short amateur film was recorded at the crash site with a mobile phone by a witness on 10 April 2010, shortly after the crash. Both Russian and Polish language can be heard! More information: ! ----- In the early hours of the morning, on April 10th, 2010 a TU-154M plane crashed in Smolensk (Russia) a 1km short of the runway. The plane was carrying a delegation of 96 deserved and distinguished patriots, members of the Polish elite, including the Polish President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, former President Ryszard Kaczorowski, the entire general army command, the Chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Poland's deputy foreign minister, Polish government officials, 15 members of the Polish parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy, and relatives of victims of the Katyn massacre. An event regarded by many as the worst national disaster to befall on Poland since World War II. They were on the way from Warsaw (Poland) to attend an event marking the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Forest massacre. What happened? -------- The latest work reveal what really happened in Smolensk: Captain Protasiuk was coming in to Smolensk airport in the manner generally accepted until, as he had anticipated earlier due to weather conditions, it was necessary to use the autopilot to 'circle the airport'. He began this manoeuvre. This process is reflected in the flight trajectory recorded in TAWS and FMS data. From the voice recordings of the cabin we know that the pilots proceeded with the go-around manoeuver at 80 meters when the command was confirmed by the second pilot. At all times, the aircraft was flying at a safe altitude. As the aircraft was beginning to gain altitude (past the location of the birch tree) and when it was at a height of 26 m, and 100 meters from the crash site, there was a first explosion on the left wing and shortly after a second explosion occurred just above ground. after the first explosion, yhe wing broke off and the disaster began to unfold, with the loss of power being a key event at an altitude of 15 meters. This fact, confirmed by the Polish prosecution office, was ignored by both Russian MAK and Polish Miller Committee. According to TAWS #37 and #38 logs, the aircraft did not change its magnetic course 140 meters past the birch tree, which is inconsistent with information in both MAK and KBWL reports. If Tu-154M 101 had lost part of its left wing on impact with the tree, it would have, pitched downwards, and hit the ground no later than one second after hitting the tree. ------- For more information please visit ---- LISTEN @00:03 żyje I'm alive @00:12 uspokój się calm down @00:17 patrz mu w oczy look him in the eyes @00:20 kobieta: ała a women: ouch @00:21 uspokój się calm down @00:26 o Boże oh God @00:27 ta pani tu żyje the woman here is alive wielki Jezu great Jezus @00:29 idzie. ubijat. rebiat. he's going away. kill. guys/lads. @00:42 uchodit he's running away @00:46 dawaj gnata give me a/the gun @00:47 Lech Kaczyński @00:49 dawaj tuda paskuda get the/that bastard here ubijaj tuda kill him @00:50 nie zabijajcie nas do not kill us @00:52 Boże mój Boże God, dear God @00:53 żyje I'm alive @00:54 zjeżdzaj bo cię ugryzę get away or i'll bite @00:57 SHOT 1 @00:58 Lecz Kaczyński @01:01 ni chuja siebie no f...... way @01:07 SHOT 2 @01:09 * laughter * @01:12 wsie nazad do kuzwy retreat/let's fall back for f... 's sake @01:14 SHOT 3 @01:16 SHOT 4 @01:19 a gdie uchodisz - Kuola (?) where are you going - Kuola (?) @01:21 ni chuja siebie no f...... way @01:22 sirens