Silverback Gorilla Strikes at Son, Prompting a Terrified Scream

Oumbi the Silverback gorilla, upset by being locked outside due to enclosure upgrades, vents frustration on his son, Lope. Though Lope screams, he's unharmed. The duo eventually reconciles, sharing a cautious moment by the window after the incident. Oumbi the gorilla from Twycross Zoo is quite agitated by the fact that he and his family have been locked outside all day because their inside enclosure is getting new ropes and new climbing frames. Normally he can choose to go inside or stay outside when he wants. As they are all having a peek through the window and door, Oumbi is getting mad and lets his frustration out on his Son by pouncing on him. Lope is screaming his lungs out. Even though it sounds pretty scary, Lope was unharmed and it looked like it was more the shock that made him scream that loud rather than anything else. When Lope walks away, he just looks at his dad as if to say: 'WTF DAD? What was that all about, I didn't do anything and then had a little bit of a sulk and kept s