Clarksville Elementary students record adorable “We Are the World“ music video

Clarksville Elementary School music teacher Emmy Bodner recorded her students in different groupings throughout the year singing “We Are The World“ to create the music video. CREDIT: Clarksville Elementary School & Michael Sanders READ THE FULL STORY ON WRTV: DOWNLOAD THE WRTV APP: WRTV Online: Visit the WRTV WEBSITE: Like WRTV on FACEBOOK: Follow WRTV on X: Follow WRTV News on INSTAGRAM: About WRTV: WRTV is committed to making a difference in our viewers’ lives. We vow to authentically engage and connect our audiences on all platforms through authentic storytelling, in-depth investigations, high-impact reporting, accurate weather forecasting, and meaningful community partnerships. Founded in 1949, WRTV is Indiana’s first television station.