The Mughals - Epic Music

Music by Farya Faraji, vocals by Ashish Ali, Marriam Zeeshan, rubab and sitar by Marc Planells. Please note that this isn't reconstructed music from the era of the Mughal Empire, but modern music rooted in Indian, Pakistani, Afghani and Iranian elements. The instruments used are the santour, rubab, sitar, dilruba, sarangi, and a panoply of Indian percussions, as well as the Iranian tanboor and dotar. The structure of the music and its aesthetics are derived from Hindustani Classical music, aspects of Carnatic Classical music, as well as Qawwali, the main Sufi musical repertoire of the Indian subcontinent. The melodies use the vast repertoire of the Raga system, some of them pentatonic in nature, as well as the Dastgah system of Iranian music. The Mughals were a dynasty that ruled over the near totality of the Indian subcontinent for centuries. Self-named Gurkanians; they were Persian-speaking Muslims whose genealogical roots were found in Timur, and by extension, Genghis Khan, hence the historiogra