11 years of companionship and 年的陪伴成长.大爱无疆。😱🫡 #martialarts#kungfu #sports

Welcome Joining Us, Let's @176 Tai Chi, Keep Fit, Acquire deity Kung Fu, And Create A Better Life. 欢迎加入我们,让我们@176太极,练就神明的太极功夫,强身健体,创造美好生活。 Become a member and enjoy the following benefits : 成为此频道的会员即可获享以下福利: Tai Chi is a valuable asset worth exploring and possessing, regardless of age or gender! Master Chang, indulging in studying and practicing Tai Chi Kungfu for more than 35 years, especially in Great Master Yang Lu-Chan's forms and Wang Songyue's theories. As an intelligent Taichi cultivator, he can explain the essence of Tai Chi in Physics, Taoism Philosophy, and anatomy well, due to his bachelor's degree in civil construction engineering. At the same time, he has achieved unbelievable Kungfu skills. Want to learn real Tai Chi Kung Fu from him? Subscribe to this channel, improve your Tai chi vision, and help your Kung fu evidently! 老师八十年代末就读于山东大学,因为体弱多病,本着锻炼身体,提高体质以及对神秘太极拳的憧憬,开始选修太极拳课程。至今从事杨露禅、王宗岳太极理论与实践研究35年。长期的刻苦习练经验,浏览阅读了大量的太极拳文献及视频资料,接触过全国无数太极拳的爱好者,历经千辛万苦才对太极拳有了一点初步的认识。剖析太极功夫现状,探讨太极功夫真相,分享练拳心得及技巧。太极拳是无论男女老幼都值得探究拥有的宝贵财富!关注禅宗太极频道,教你怎样学好太极拳,练出太极真功夫!