Abraxas rhythms From the Beyond with Shruti and Shaman’s drum towards trance and ASC

#shamanic #drum #shrutibox #improvisation #abraxas This piece is not just a performance but a ritual, an invocation of the ancient energies of Abraxas that still reside within us and around us. It beckons you to step into the circle, to feel the vibration of the earth beneath your feet, and to let your spirit soar on the wings of sound. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and allow yourself to be carried away by this rhythmic odyssey, where each note and beat is a step deeper into the trance, a step closer to the essence of being. Welcome to a world where the past and the future merge in the eternal now, and where the music is not just heard but experienced, felt in the bones and the soul. Let the journey Seeker heard about Abraxas! The Seeker, as an archetype, embodies the eternal quest for knowledge, truth, and understanding. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and a profound yearning to uncover the mysteries of existence, the Seeker ventures into realms both known and unknown, always striving to transcend the boundaries of ordinary experience. The journey of the Seeker is one of transformation, enlightenment, and the relentless pursuit of the divine. In the quest for the essence of Abraxas, the Seeker faces a unique and complex challenge. Abraxas, a deity that transcends dualities and embodies the unity of opposites, can be elusive and multifaceted. To truly comprehend the essence of Abraxas, the Seeker must delve into the intricate web of symbols that represent the divine. 1. The Beginning of the Journey: The Seeker starts their journey with a sense of purpose and a heart full of questions. They are drawn to the ancient symbols and mystical teachings that hint at the nature of Abraxas. The path is not straightforward; it is a labyrinthine quest that requires patience, wisdom, and unwavering dedication. 2. Encountering the Symbols: Throughout the journey, the Seeker encounters various symbols associated with Abraxas. Each symbol is a facet of the divine, a piece of the puzzle that reveals a part of the greater whole. These symbols are not mere representations; they are gateways to deeper understanding and channels through which the Seeker can connect with the divine essence. 3. Contemplation and Meditation: To unlock the secrets of these symbols, the Seeker must engage in deep contemplation and meditation. By focusing intently on each symbol, the Seeker begins to transcend the surface meanings and tap into the underlying spiritual truths. This process is transformative, requiring the Seeker to empty their mind of preconceived notions and open themselves to the revelations that each symbol offers. 4. The Many-Faceted Diamond: As the Seeker progresses, they come to understand that Abraxas is like a many-faceted diamond, with each facet projecting a different symbol. These symbols are not isolated; they are interconnected aspects of the same divine reality. The Seeker realizes that to know Abraxas is to see beyond the individual facets and perceive the unity that binds them together. 5. Embracing Paradox and Unity: The essence of Abraxas lies in the reconciliation of opposites: light and darkness, creation and destruction, good and evil. The Seeker learns to embrace these paradoxes, understanding that the divine transcends simple dualities. By focusing on the symbols, the Seeker experiences the harmonious interplay of these opposing forces, gaining insight into the true nature of Abraxas. 6. Stillness and Emptiness: Ultimately, the Seeker discovers that beyond the symbols, the essence of Abraxas can also be found in stillness and emptiness. In moments of profound silence and inner quiet, the Seeker connects with the infinite and formless nature of the divine. It is in this state of emptiness that the Seeker becomes an empty channel, fully receptive to the presence and wisdom of Abraxas. 7. The Revelation: The culmination of the Seeker's journey is a moment of profound revelation. Having traversed the path of symbols and embraced the paradoxes of existence, the Seeker experiences a direct and intimate connection with Abraxas. This revelation is both enlightening and humbling, as the Seeker realizes that the journey itself is a reflection of the divine mystery. 8. Integration and Sharing: With this newfound understanding, the Seeker integrates the essence of Abraxas into their own being. They embody the wisdom and unity of the divine, living in harmony with the eternal dance of creation and destruction. The Seeker also becomes a guide for others, sharing the insights gained from their journey and helping others to embark on their own quests for the divine. In focusing on the symbols of Abraxas, the Seeker transcends the ordinary and touches the infinite. Through contemplation, meditation, and the embrace of paradox, the Seeker finds the essence of Abraxas, a profound unity that lies beyond the myriad facets of the divine.