Variegated Plants that DIDN’T break the bank.

I love me a hybrid or variegated plant but lets get real, we don't all have a million bucks to drop on plants. So here are some variegated plants that the average Joe could own. email: come2kayland@ IG: @Kayland_ TIKTOK: @kayland_ 0:00 Intro 0:54 Philodendron Jose Buono 2:43 Variegated Burle Marx 5:51 Quick Story 6:23 Florida Albo Mint 8:25 Philodendron Ring of Fire 10:03 Yellow Ripple Ivy 11:28 Monstera Standleyana 13:20 Calatha Pilosa 14:58 Philodendron Florida Beauty 17:09 Philodendron Snow Drift 18:27 Syngonium 20:22 Domino Peace Lily 21:37 Hoya Lisa