[Eng Sub]食材满满的夏威夷波奇饭How to make a Poke bowl at home, just remember this Formula丨曼食慢语

*视频右下角可以打开字幕,点击设置→字幕→自动翻译可以获得英文字幕 *The subtitle can be turn on in the lower right corner of the video. Click on Settings → Subtitles → Auto Translate to get English subtitles. ▋简介Introduction #曼食慢语​ 席卷全球的波奇碗(poke bowl)你吃过吗?其实自己做真的太简单了,就是海鲜盖浇饭嘛!Q弹米饭上盖着新鲜鱼生还有各式各样的蔬菜,一口下去各种口感和味道在嘴巴里爆开,清新爽口又滋味丰富,很适合夏天吃。我总结出了夏威夷盖浇饭的通用搭配公式,掌握了这个,就能举一反三,在家变换出各种各样的波奇碗啦~ ▋相关视频Related videos 厚炸牛排deep fried steak: 一周减脂便当Fat loss lunchbox: ▋食材Ingredients ★夏威夷鲜鱼波奇饭Tuna Poke bowl 金枪鱼100g,100g tuna 米饭一碗,a bowl rice 生抽2大勺,2 tbsp light soysauce 米醋1小勺,1 tsp rice vinegar 柠檬汁1小勺,1 tsp lemon juice 香油1大勺,1 tbsp sesame oil 黑胡椒适量,black pepper (以下配菜适量) (side dishes according to your taste) 毛豆,edamame 牛油果,avocado 沙拉叶,salad leaves 小葱,spring onion 白芝麻,white sesame 甜醋姜,sushi ginger ★夏威夷炙烤鲜鱼波奇饭Aburi Salmon Poke bowl 三文鱼100g,100g salmon 美乃滋1大勺,1 tbsp mayonnaise 米饭一碗,a bowl rice 甜辣酱1大勺,1 tbsp sweet chili sauce 生抽2大勺,2 tbsp light soysauce (以下配菜适量) (side dishes according to your taste) 黄瓜,cucumber 沙拉叶,salad leaves 大葱,leek 紫苏叶,perilla leaves 山葵,wasabi ▋ 相关视频列表Related album 亚洲料理Asian Cuisine Recipes: 欧洲风味 European Cuisine Recipes: ————————————————————————— 淘宝店铺:曼食慢语 新浪微博:@Amanda的小厨房 微信公众号:amandatastes Facebook: Instagram: