23 Subgenres of BLACK METAL

#blackmetal #rawblackmetal #symphonicblackmetal #atmosphericblackmetal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Greetings, This is my 23 Black Metal subgenres guitar playthrough. Let me know in the comment below which subgenre is your favorite! 1. Some of the styles presented in this video might seem odd or unrelated without the BM-type vocals. I wanted to strip down the vocals so people can have an unmasked listen to the music. 2. I didn't include sub-genres like NSBM, Christian BM, Pagan BM, Cosmic BM etc because they are theme-driven. My focus is to show difference solely in music styles. 3. The Raw Black Metal doesn't sound much “raw“ so I could highlight the quality degradation of Lofi BM. 4. Some other BM subgenres are not included in the video, either because I used their alternative name or simply because the sound is so similar to one of the styles already present in the