LittleTiles and C&B Performance Comparision

Recently I loaded up an old world which was full of stuff built with LittleTiles. Performance was really good, but unfortunately from time to time when you would walk around there were some huge lag spikes. So I spent a lot of time and tried to figure out what is causing it. Eventually I found it was not a problem of LittleTiles directly, but instead a minecraft issue. Some ASM hackery later i could fix it: After realizing that it wasn't my mod, i asked myself how C&B solves those issues (and if it even cares). Actually I never compared the performance, because I was quite sure LittleTiles ones would be worse. So i decided to test it and the results were kinda surprising: It was not really what i was expecting at all. Some people had asked me about the performance of LittleTiles before, so i decided to do this test again in a proper way and release it to the public. Actually I don't like doing this, because I'm the last person who should do a comparison video since my point of view is not neutral. I know what the weaknesses of my mod, but I tried to do a fair test. It is really difficult to compare those two mods, because both have their weaknesses and strong parts. I think C&B does a great job if there are many different bits inside one block (pixel art, sculpture), while LittleTiles is more designed for larger builds. This doesn't mean it will not work, but that performance will be better for C&B if it's about that. For my test i tried to do a compromise, so i created a block with 277 tiles, which is kinda lot, but still not close to the limit of 4096. I don't want to offend anyone or want to make people think my mod is better. In my opinion both mods should be used. C&B is rather intuitive and easy to build, while LittleTiles offers more features like structures (Doors, storage, etc.). So you can just convert your stuff and make some else out of it. Anyways I'm looking forward to release more performance improvements and to continue to work on new features. Stay tuned! World download: %20the%20Limits%20%28C%26B%?dl=1 Mods installed during the test: Chisel C&B CMDCam CreativeCore CustomNPC DecoCraft FlatColoredBlocks ItemPhysic LittleTiles MorePlayerModels OnlinePictureFrame Optifine WorldEdit