Spreading Sahaja Yoga - Effectively, Rapidly, Worldwide - Episode 1

Spreading Sahaja Yoga Via Films Utilizing Films to Promote Sahaja Yoga Films serve as highly effective means to disseminate the teachings of Shri Mataji. Film screenings often serve as platforms for public programs. Sahaja Yogi volunteers distribute leaflets during these screenings, providing information on nearby subcenters for interested seekers to connect with. This approach creates a mutually beneficial situation for all involved. Sharing the gist of a lecture by Shri Mataji: Introduction: Once Sahaja Yoga commences, Sahaja Yogis receive blessings directly from the Adi Shakti. Lack of Maturity: Despite being part of Sahaja Yoga, many Sahaja Yogis lack maturity. Motivations: Some Sahaja Yogis join for selfish reasons or because it's fashionable, which is inappropriate. Responsibility: Sahaja Yogis bear the responsibility for the well-being of the world. Behavior: Sahaja Yogis should behave like saints or realized souls, but some display shocking behavior lacking self-respect or respect for others. Attitude: Some Sahaja Yogis are money-oriented or power-oriented, with the latter being more dangerous. Power-oriented Sahaja Yogis: They often exhibit insulting, dominating, and manipulative behavior to gain power within Sahaja Yoga. Negative Impact: Their actions tarnish the reputation of Sahaja Yoga and can be harmful to its members and the organization as a whole. Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala DEvi Shri Adi Shakti Puja , Cabella. 1998.